Posts Tagged 'beanies'

knitted hats at Comic Con


seanalyn has posted about sweet nerdtastic knitted beanies & hats before.  but now they have emerged at the largest nerdfest in America!  i saw a couple booths full of homemade knitted goodies made by proud domestic geeks.

i cannot even fathom the amount of time and dedication it took to create these beautiful masterpieces!


unfortunately, none of the designers  are very technologically savvy.  no websites have been launched yet. hopefully my inquires have sparked interest in starting one or putting the3 leftovers from Comic Con on!

in the meantime, if you are looking for a way to market your knitted creations, maybe taking it to a con near you is the way to go!  if you do though, make sure to make them accessable via internets as well! :)

<3 kt

Knitted Unicorn Hat

Who hasn’t dreamed of being a unicorn? Terrorist that who. So unless youre a terrorist you are going to want to knit yourself your very own

Unicorn Beanie

The idea for the unicorn beanie came to be when Craftster user KrisCreates was having a playdate with her kid and a friend’s child and the little girl started admiring KrisCreates’ son’s mohawk beanie. The little girl of course wanted a beanie of her own, but she wanted hers to be a unicorn hat. So KrisCreates adapted a basic mohawk beanie pattern to include ears and a horn and voila…unicorn magic!

“The hat is knit in the round and for the earflaps and ears I picked up and knit the stitches onto the hat. The horn was knit separately in a smaller gauge, stuffed with a little bit of poly-fibre fill and sewn on.”

Unfortunately she did not post up an exact pattern, but all one would need to do is modify any mohawk style beanie and youve got your own magical unicorn hat. Now go knit yours quick or else the terrorists have won!

<3 seanalyn

Past Domestic Geekery