Posts Tagged 'cupcake'

Periodic Table of Cupcakes

Ok last cupcake related post I swear…for today at least ;) I was trying to find a recipe for the Bacon Cupcakes when I stumbled across this….

The Periodic Table of Cupcakes

I know I probably should be offended because this creation by Women’s Day is insinuating that women should replace science with cupcakes or something blah blah blah I really cannot be bothered to think because my head is just buzzing with how I can make all these cupcakes. Womens’ rights and feminism is about the right to choose and right now I am choosing to make cupcakes dammit! Click on the link for the interactive Periodic Table of Cupcakes which features recipes for all the cupcakey elements. Personally I am intrigued by Gp16.

<3 seanalyn

World of Warcraft Horde Cupcakes

I guess Friday should just be Cupcake Day from now on! Snack or Die has posted yes another geeky confection and even though Im not a WoW fan I still appreciate the awesomeness in this one. Mostly due to the use of fondant which I have yet to try myself.

WoW Horde Cupcakes

As usual there are step by step instructions to make your own horde of Horde Cupcakes (har har). Enjoy!

<3 seanalyn

Bacon cupcakes

Yet again apologies for the slow week. Ive been laid up in bed all week with a nasty cold so my brain hasn’t been functioning properly since Monday. However I just saw a tweet from one of my friends about the most amazing thing ever created and it gives me hope for a better tomorrow.

Bacon Cupcakes

I wish I had more information on these little lovelies but sadly all I have to go off of is a picture and my dreams.

<3 seanalyn

Kirby Cupcakes

Ok one guess as to where Im linking to in this blog. Go ahead….guess….yup you guessed it, gaming confectionery guru Snack or Die. This time Jocelyn gives us what might be my favorite creation yet…

Kirby Cupcakes

Not only adorable, but these cupcakes are low-fat! Man Kirby could sure use some low-fat cupcakes himself! Its a simple mix using the old trick of Diet-Sprite when mixing the cake batter to cut down on sugar. The Diet-Sprite also ads a nice fluffiness to the mixture. After baking the cupcakes like normal all you need is some cake decorating gel and two little M&Ms to create your little Kirby’s.

Its actually incredibly simple and thats what makes this recipe so wonderful, anyone even with the worst cake decorating skills could execute this confection. So no excuses for not making this deliciously geeky treat!

Bioshock Cupcakes

Jocelyn of Snack or Die has done it again and created yet another confectionary gaming masterpiece. This time she tips her baking hat to last years epic FPS, Bioshock with some Big Daddy Cupcakes.

Bioshock Big Daddy Cupcakes

As usual she includes step by step instructions as well as images. I think its incredibly clever to use M&Ms as the lights on the Big Daddy helmet. The only thing I think I would change about this recipe is using licorice bands to create the mask. I know that they are the right choice to create the texture and form, but Im just not a fan of black licorice. I would probably try to make some thin chocolate bands and even though they wouldnt be as sturdy as the licorice, they would be a lot more tasty.

Now I just need to figure out how to make a Gingerbread Little Sister to go along with my Big Daddy Cupcakes…

Political cupcakes!

Please pardon the crappy camera phone picture, but my coworker Rebeca managed to combine politics and baking into one to create….


Regardless of your political affiliation you have to admit this is pretty awesome. Remember everyone, get out and vote today!

Past Domestic Geekery